Monday, May 19, 2014

Akshata VasanthaMadhava's invitation is awaiting your response

Akshata VasanthaMadhava would like to connect on LinkedIn. How would you like to respond?
Akshata VasanthaMadhava
Akshata VasanthaMadhava
Manager at Capgemini
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Monday, May 12, 2014

Akshata VasanthaMadhava's invitation is awaiting your response

Akshata VasanthaMadhava would like to connect on LinkedIn. How would you like to respond?
Akshata VasanthaMadhava
Akshata VasanthaMadhava
Manager at Capgemini
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Monday, May 5, 2014

Invitation to connect on LinkedIn

Akshata VasanthaMadhava
From Akshata VasanthaMadhava
Senior Consultant at Capgemini
Mumbai Area, India

I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.

- Akshata

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Sunday, April 13, 2014

Pure Love

When you know there is someone who is always looking out for you.. Someone who is always going to give you a hand when you stumble.. That person always looks at you and gives you an expression which says "what would i do without you.." he finds you beautiful in every will always be an angel in his eyes.. you will always turn to him for advice..and you will never do what he tells you to, and still whenever you need direction, you will only think of him.. he doesnt like it when you are upset with him, and he will do everything to keep that smile on your face.. he will sometimes sing and dance for you, only to see your face lit up... he doesnt express his love but there is a warmth in his eyes whenever he looks at you.. he will sacrifice his life and worldly pleasures for you...thats how he expresses his love for you... he will protect you from every distress and he will prepare you for the future... He will always be there beside you... I am really blessed to have him in my life... papa, i wish I could express this love for you more often..

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009

Mi NiƱo

I received the was Sarah's call. Her voice seemed very if..she couldnt breathe..
She tried speaking..but she couldnt again..Then I heard her, "I have written all in the baby...please take care of her.."
Next I heard Jane's voice, Sarah's maid,"Ma'am..". She was crying.."Ma'am, Sarah is no more.."
I couldnt understand, "what happend? Where are you Jane?..Tell me...I need to speak to Sarah...what are you saying! ".
But the phone was disconnected. I tried calling back. Noone replied..Where could they be! what had happened to Sarah..


I was in Hyderabad for a project. Sarah had been my roommate for past 2 yrs..We had become the closest of friends. Then one day, we argued over something..She had a problem, she was pregnant.
It was her boyfriend, Joe's son. Joe kingman, the famous player of the Boston football team.
Sarah worked for a big advertising agency 'Alex' in Hyderabad and had met Joe during one of her campaigns. Sarah was beautiful and gorgeous. Joe had fallen for her..
They were in love with each other..On the last Valentine's day, Joe had gifted Sarah, a Rolls Royce. He really loved her.

But Joe hadnt promised marriage. It was just the beginning of his grand career. He didnt want any distractions and his aim was to win the championship for Boston. He was very passionate about his game.

I, being from a traditional Indian family suggested her to either marry him and secure a future for her baby or abort the baby. The latter was ruled out. We both didnt approve of it. And the former one, she didnt approve of. Joe had to prepare for the big event this season, and she didnt want to surprise him at this moment. Probably she was afraid that he might tell her to get rid of the child.


My parents didnt like the idea of an unmarried woman raising a kid...They didnt want me to stay with her. My attempts of convincing them were futile. Sarah overheard our arguments. She rented an apartment far away mine in the main Hyderabad city. Her mother had died when she was young. She had nobody else to look after her. Initially she lived alone with her unborn child. Then she kept Jane, a maid for her help.
I used to visit her on weekends. As months passed by, I became a bit worried. She hadnt yet told Joe about the baby. Then one day, Sarah told me that Joe had a new girlfriend and that she wanted to raise the kid alone. I think, Joe was still unaware of the existence of the baby and even if he did know, he didnt care about it.


The day for her delivery was nearing. I used to visit her often, bring her fruits, things that she liked...I felt guilty for I couldnt be with her, when she needed me the most.
On Sunday morning, for an important advertising campaign, Sarah had to go to work. It was her most important assignment. She drove her Rolls Royce,...and suddenly her labour pains started..
The next moment she was in hospital. She had met with an accident. She had lost lot of blood. Her baby was fine but due to lot of complications in delivery, she was in a critical condition. As she lay in her hospital bed, she wrote a letter to me. During her last few seconds, she had spoken to me.


I reached the hospital. Sarah lay peacefully on the bed. Jane was beside her. She handed me the letter.
The letter said
"Mon Amie, I trust you..I know you will take care of my child...Give her lots of love.."..I couldnt read further..

I looked at the baby...the creation of God...tiny, pink fair like an angel..
She had the blue eyes of Sarah..
My Sarah was back..

Famous five

I unlocked the old cabinet. There were many of my books, toys in it, ofcourse all of those when I was small, around 6 to 7 yrs old. I opened the photo album..there was a class photo of my 2nd standard..
I was right there in the front row. I had worn a shirt with checks and a red colored shirt. I looked cute in those small ponytails, tied with red ribbon. My school id was pinned on the left side of my shirt and a neatly folded handkerchief pinnned onto the right side.
I was mischievously beaming at Amber, my best friend. I was holding one of Gunja's ribbons in my right hand. Gunja was Amber's sister and she was standing next to our principal. She was distincly looking very worried; she had lost one of her red ribbons...
Our principal was a tall, smartly dressed lady. She looked elegant in her white chiffon saree with a sparkling bracelet and a long tinkling earring. She was very particular about the dress code(our school uniform) and all. And obviously Gunja was afraidfor our principal might notice the missing ribbon.
Our school was in the 15 D sector of a union territory, Chandigarh, capital of Haryana and Punjab. And D.A.V public high school was a well-known co-ed school in Chandigarh.
Amber, Preeti, Priyanka, Mustaffa and I, were the "Famous Five" mischief mongers of our school and ofcourse I was the gang leader.
I had automatically become the leader of our small gang; because every summer, I used to visit Bombay.
Mumbai, at that time was called Bombay, a city of dreams. Everyone dreamt of being there. A city where Bollywood resides. I claimed having met Amitabh, Sridevi, Anil Kapoor...and my friends had to believe me.
Our school break used to be at 10:40am, bell rang..and all five of us came out running out of the classrooms..entered the pre-nursery class. Mustaffa, and Priyanka monitored outside the class to alert if any teacher neared the class. I, being the leader, could take the control of the class. I took the big rule in my hand and tapped hard at the front desk. The class was quiet. I winked at Amber..Amber announced that there was going to be a selection round for the school play. Everyone was happy with the announcement and they knew I was the person with the authority...I was going to be the judge..
So the suditions began...
Some sang, some danced...they were the puppets and we held the strings controlling them...they danced to our tunes..we enjoyed a lot ...
A school peon entered the room..he knew we were at some kind of mischief..
We wagged our tongues making amusing faces..and ran out to open playground, hid behind the bushes, so the peon could no longer see us..
It was fun; we had great times together...
After my primary school, my family and I shifted to Mumbai. I dont know where my friends are now...
I dusted the photoframe, all the 5 mischief makers in the first row..
I hope to see my gang friends..